Career One Stop at has developed a collection of career videos that are similar to the career clusters.  Click on the button below to see the hundreds of videos in the following career clusters:

1. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2. Architecture & Construction, 3. Arts and Communication, 4. Business Management, 5. Education and Training, 6. Finance, 7. Government and Public Administration, 8. Health Science, 9. Hospitality & Tourism 10. Human Services, 11. Information Technology, 12. Law, Public Safety and Corrections, 13. Manufacturing, 14. Marketing, Sales and Service, 15. Science, Technology, Engineering & Math, 16. Transportation and Logistics


Have you ever wondered what type of skills may be needed by some employers?  Career One has developed videos for some the most common types of skills that are needed.  Click here

to see all the videos or click on the button below to see a specific skill. out the videos below.

Career Videos

Career Videos is where you can find videos for specific jobs developed by Career One Stop. Also you will find individuals discussing their careers and giving career advice to those who would like to embark in that type of career.

Checkout some of the Career Videos from Career One Stop Below or visit their YouTube page by clicking the button 


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Career Videos

Career Advice Videos