
Welcome to the W.I?J.A. Community

Youth Career and Development Site

Discover Business is a comprehensive guide designed to help you learn about different business degree and career options.


Interested in studying abroad?  Visit the continent pages below to view some of the top Universities in those regions

Welcome to W.I?J.A.-NNECT career center

Download the New W.I?J.A. Tool Kit to guide you in the right direction.  Click on the button below or the pictures

Military Service

CAreer Center

Click the on the state below to find links and information regarding the different four-year colleges in that state.  States are listed in alphabetical order from left to right.

Take the Career Interest Survey to map out your career interest.

Traditional College and The Military are not the only Avenues for a Rewarding and Successful Career.

Check out some of the options below by clicking on the logos

Understand your career interest by visiting My Next Move

Search the below data base to see what Colleges & Universities are accredited.

Want to know more about volunteering and community work?  Click the button 

Military service is one the key ingredients that allows us to enjoy our freedoms and prosperity.  This noble service is done by the brave young men and women who learn the importance of honor, duty and dedication to the mission.  If you believe that this is something that intrigues you, then explore the opportunities in the US Armed Forces.

Are you interested in an internship or Co-Op.?  Click the button below to see what companies have these programs and visit their websites.

If you are a Teen looking for a job visit the Snagajob or ZIPPIA websites below

Click on the pic below to go directly to the website.

Click on the buttons below to find volunteer and community opportunities in the United States

High School Seniors don't let the College Application Process, ACT, SAT, Co-Ops or Internship deadlines slip by you

Resume Writing and other Tips - Just click the button below:

Non-Traditional Career Pathways

If you are ready to jump start your career and seeking job opportunities - visit one of the job board websites, we have listed by clicking the button below

Career Technical Education Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners.

